dissabte, 14 de maig del 2011

Why Asia's nuclear tigers can't stop building reactors

... Nuclear power has long been considered a promising solution here. Although the global nuclear energy industry suffered a dark period after the catastrophes at Chernobyl in Ukraine and Three Mile Island in the U.S., it's staged a comeback even as environmental concerns mount.

Enter Japan's nuclear crisis. Suddenly, the growth prospects for nuclear energy in Asia have been top-sided. On Wednesday, China announced it would halt all new nuclear plant approvals -- about 40% of the planned projects in the world....

In this new we can see how much energy need our society, that in our times; when the nuclear powers are on a crisis period, we can't stop building reactors...
A few years ago a lot of people thought that nuclear energy was the final solution with our energetic problems, they think that this energy was clean and it have more advantages than drawback... Nowadays the same people who was in favor of this energy, these days are against that.

Humans are very impulsive, we only think and see what we have in the front of our eyes...

But some times in this planet appear supermans, like Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, Newton, Plaó, and others whose ideas revolutionized our world. These class of human must be the spokesperson, to show us what is the correct way to continue here, to preserve our world.

In conclusion I think that the most effective solution is think more and spoke less than today, to find the way which doesn't destroy us... But this isn't possible on a country where most of the people prefer to spoke about football than science...


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