diumenge, 22 de maig del 2011


Hi Joancarles

Hello, my name is Pep Clotas, I lives in Sant pere Pescador It's a small village near Castalló d'Empúries. I am 15 years old. I'm in first grade of Batxillerat.

When I have free time I love playing basketball, going windsurfing, seeing films at home, and playing computer games.
Last summer, I didn't work but I helped my family with the house work.

Well, I see you in class next day

PD: I* will start in the blog, I thinnk that the first post will be of computer games. Bye Bye.
*Today , I am going to start writing in my new blog. I think that the first post will be about computer games.
RED= Improvements



In the past, my vocabulary was very poor. I had to look up the words in the dictionary many times. I didn't even know how some words were spelled. I used to use the same words again and again such as big, beautiful, etc.


I knew the most simple tenses and I sometimes had to write complicated sentences and I couldn't do it because of my lack of grammar. I didn't know how to write subordinated sentences. I didn't know how to use connectors either. I didn't know about the Passive Voice which it's very popular and used in the English language.


My first compositions were very poor as well. They didn't have much important content. I didn't say much in them. Nowadays, I can see how much I have improved in English. I am able to express and write on a paper shit my thoughts, feelings and experiences.

My compositions are now richer in content than they used to be.


I am so glad to say that when I was in first grade of Batxillerat, I didn't even know what a blog was. Nowadays, I know it!!! and I am so happy to know how it works. I am able to change colors of the background, the type of letter, the layout, etc.


Well on the one hand I think that my oral presentation are the same that in the past, even I also think that my last oral presentation was the worst … In this oral presentation I didn't vocalize, I was very nervous and I didn't know how pronounced all words.

On the other hand I proud of my firsts oral presentations, which I am so god... I think that oral presentations or oral test are my strong points; I am never shy or nervous... Always I am very extroverted, this characteristic help me to pass these tests or presentations, so now that I have the basics tools I only must practice to improve my oral english.


First of all and I am not kidding...I wish to have a good mark in the PAU!!!! Secondly, I hope I can use my English knowledges in the future, specially in oral English, so that I can explain my windsurfing lessons to my students in Sant Pere Pesador. I am so proud when I can talk in English and they understand me.

My last post: http://pepoteysu.blogspot.com/2011/05/future.html With improvements

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