divendres, 15 d’abril del 2011

Formal letter


12th of April 2011

World Nuclear Association


Dear John Ritch I am a student of second batxillerat in IES Castelló, Spain. I am writting in order to express my opinion of the problem that we are going to live regarding in nuclear power.

First of all I would like to tell you that I am favor of this type of energy, I think that this energy keep up our planet better than ohter types like oil, gas...
To ask about your opinion about our future, I know that our world every day increase the demand of energy caused by emrging countries like India, Japan, Chine...

But i wont to ask you a question:

What would happen in our planet if some nuclear plants exploted in the same period of time?

I would be interested to know what we can do to keep the valance in our home, to save some place to live in the future.

Thanks for your time, I hope that you will find a solution to this problem.

Yours simcerely

Mark Shinn

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