divendres, 4 de març del 2011

Preparation for PAU

Dear head teacher

I write this letter because I see one act of injustice in these school. The problem is that the some of the students don't look after their books, but this isn't the problem the problem is that I must buy my books and I try look after these as I can, but some students don't pay their books and more and more they don't look after.

This is the reason because I write this letter because I think that this isn't correct. I think that if my college don't look after their books you can't give.

One the other hand I like that the administration help the people with economics problems but I don't like the these people broken, burn and sell the books that we pay with tax.

For me this is one of the problems of the education administration and I be confident that you understand this situation.

Thank you for your time.

3 comentaris:

  1. Hello Josep, I was reading your post, and I didn¡t understand something.
    First, you say that there are some people that don't pay by their books. Why not?, How do you know?, and Who are they?

    On the other hand, I' m desagree with you about the education's problem.I think that the problem not consist on look after the books, but on put some limits to get a good harmony to work.

    Thank you.

    Víctor Rosillo

  2. Hi Joe, I've read your letter to the head master. There are some things in which I disagree with you. As Victor says, I don't think the education's problem is because of this. In my opinion, the problem is the way to teach, the waste of time on doing such an amount of exams and to don't make pupils be interest in learning. I think that if students had interested in learning, they would definitely look after they books, because they would find the reason to do it. Moreover, I believe that most of the problems are for the education system and not for the teachers.

    Anyway, I find a good remark to others saying we have to look after our books. Even we have them for free or not.

    But, what’s you suggestion about this problem? I think you should do a suggestion to the head master in order to solve the problem.

    This is just my point of view!

    Good work ;)

  3. = ) I will reply, but nowadays I have a lot of work so ... I hope that we can discuss this in the class, or when we will finish our exams.
