dilluns, 15 de novembre del 2010

Obama warns nations not to rely on exports to US

The new of BBC explain that president of United States, saw the opportunity to create new jobs back home. He was speaking in Yokohama in Japan on the sidelines of the Apec summit. There Mr Obama explain that the country with large surplus must take steps to boost domestic demand. President Obama said the economic crisis had shown the limits of depending on US consumers and Asian exporters to drive growth.

In my opinion this new reflect the fear of important economic potency, in this new EEUU, to the new and growing potency like China, which can grow because the country works as only one, all for homeland. I think this because the commercial and exporting politic of China are very aggressive, for example in the harbor of Barcelona the police find a lot of different types of metals in a “transporting boat” which will go to China. There isn't any problems if this metal are normal but the metal was stolen by different thief.

In conclusion I think that in the future this potency cause a lot of problems, our task will be find a solution!

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