dimecres, 10 de novembre del 2010

My Neighbors

Well first of all I live in Sant Pere Pescador, in this village we have some important things like Hot Fata, apple agriculture and maybe the most important thing for me, our beach.

Fortunately I have a lot of good and wonderful neighbors, for example “Chimo” who is a rider of Cabrinha and sometimes he show me how to do some tricks with kite. On the other another hand I have a artistic carpenter who help me with my final project, and he does a lot of spectacular figures of wood like big balls, enormus apple of special wood ...

But the neighbor with I passed more time is the Paula's father, one of my best friends. His name is Hans and also we go together to sail for more security and nowadays we are very good freiends. Maybe the most important thing that Hans showed me was his optimistic and fighter character, for example: Last day we prepared all things: kites, kite boards, harness … And when finally we arrived on beach we couldn't sail because we hadn't enough wind. Appearances can be deceptive XD OMG!!! But we take the bull by the horns! And we diced to play with paddle-surf and we finished the day with laughs and humor.

When we were returning to our homes he show me this song. Enjoy it!

2 comentaris:

  1. Hey man!
    I think thats so hard to find this point view and adapt the things which happens when you don't spect it...
    About the song, I think that's a stupid song but It tell the truth! Agreeing with the way to act from the Music's Productions Company, this video shows all the topics which are selected for the BEST and being sincere, for me all talks about stupid things! What The Hell! The good music is only in 80's! For this I play in a Rock Band!
    See you soon...

  2. Thank you Serra I will comment in your blog!!!

    PD: You must know that the artist of this song works only, so he does his base, lyrics ...
    On the other hand I am disagree to the idea that the good music was only in 80's.
