dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010

Oral Evaluation


Hello I am Pep Clotas and we want to show you this presentation. In our presentation we are going to explain the history, evolution and others specs of Microsoft.

Of course all teenagers of this class are doing the magnify and wonderful project, but which operating system are you using?

Obviously the answer is Windows.

Good, after this introduction, I begin.

I would like to start with some questions, for example What do you think about this multinational?Another for example Do you know why you work with windows?This question looks easy but if you think one moment you will see the answer is: I don't know. And Maybe the most important question is Can you choose? In this presentation we will to try answer these questions for our point of view and we will reflection in this issue. The finality of this presentation is philosophize about this topic and maybe after this you change your opinion of this company.


Well, since QDOS Microsoft are creating and improving their operating system. Moreover Bill Gates change the commercial politic, nowadays they don't search a efficient and useful system, they follow beautiful and cool interface, like windows e(xp)erience and windows vista.

In my opinion I think that WV is the worst OS in the world, and if you have installed this operating system Microsoft must pay you 100$ for month but only is my opinion. Do you agree? XD Tonight I was thinking and If I must sell this OS I only cant use this commercial! I can't say that this is a future for user, please uninstall this thing.

For another hand Microsoft work in another task like games, with xbox, internet explorer, MSN which is a program of instant message an others privates frauds like Microsoft office.


Probably Microsoft are one of the most powerful company in the world. For example one of these monopolys, maybe the most important, is the OS. A funny information that I found in the internet is that Microsoft win 3.600 millions only in Spain when our budget for education this year is 3200millions so the win 400 millions more than our education budget.

Microsoft was in the tribunals some times for accusations of monopoly, but nothing can stop this giant. One of the fine that Bill Gates must payed was 5 billions to (American Telephone and Telegraph) Although this nowadays this multinational are buying more rights of different programs and applications, so if you like computer games or anything programs you must buy this OS so only can ruining on this OS. Often this cause the illegally downloads.


Well my conclusion is very logic, we can't take the bull by the horns, it's MICROSOFT so if we need work and play some programs we must use this platform. We think that in the future Microsoft will disappear, and the people use free software like LINUX.


Presentation: I think that our presentation is correct because we have a good power point and I think that this is important. For the other hand I think that this presentation was better than the first because I didn't read and I improve very good. I am happy with this characteristic

Structure: I think that our project has a good structure because while we were talking the power point reflect what we speak. And moreover the work was re-part very good my friend and I did the different use so I am satisfied.

Language: I think that the language that we use in our presentation is easy and understandable for my colleague of the class.

Pronunciation and Intonation: I think that our intonation and pronunciation must improve because I don't know enough but we will improve.

Self evaluation: For my point of view I think that I can improve oral presentation but this is correct. We must improve but I think that we have the good bases. So I think that I deserves a 7,5

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