dimecres, 24 de novembre del 2010

Opinion Essay

Computers have made the world better place?

Is our society a computer addict?

All members of this class have a computer, on the one hand the computers give us a lot of different options like a virtual space to work. An example of this characteristic are the programs as Open office which help us edit some texts.

One the other hand computers always are connected to Internet, maybe is when problems begin. All the people know the arguments in favor of the Internet; world wide web, international communications...

This can help a lot of people who need flexible times tables like students. For example, you can study a degree from your house or search some material which can help you in the school. Or maybe you can play some online games or speak with your friends in social net.

But some time Internet cause a lot of problems like Spam, virus … Perhaps the most popular problem are the loss of our privacy or the frauds caused by hackers, but in the near future this multinational communication and connection will convert to tool which can control us.

In my opinion computers can be very useful to work and help us with homework or different tasks but some times can be our enemy.

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